Brad Baker's Effect
by Charlotte Gann, October 29th, 2022

Every once in a while a person comes along whose effect on those around them is profound. They move to an inner rhythm that resonates beyond them like ripples on a pond.
Such a person was Brad Baker.
Brad started his sailing life in 1979 aboard a Bob Perry 41, Heather, at age 15 and he never looked back. In 1984, Brad was introduced to offshore racing in the Vic-Maui Race aboard a Baltic 42, Hypertension skippered by Roger Palmer of CYC Seattle. Brad found this spoke to his soul and through many years shared his passion and pleasure with all who cocked their ear his way.
Brad was navigator in seven of the nine Vic-Maui races he raced through the years, with three first to finishes, two first overall finishes, and he took the Navigator’s Trophy 8 times.
In 1996 and again in 2000, racing aboard Farr-ari of Three Tree Point YC, he won the Lahaina Restoration Foundation Navigator’s Trophy for the First Boat to Finish in Division 2 on corrected time.
Brad also took this trophy in 2004 aboard Voodoo Child of Tacoma YC/CYC Seattle and in 2006, again aboard Voodoo Child, he won the Gabrielle III Navigator’s Trophy awarded to the Navigator of First Boat to Finish on Elapsed Time Overall plus the Captain George Vancouver, RN Trophy awarded to the Navigator of the First Boat to Finish – Division 1 on Corrected Time.
In 2012 aboard Double Take of Seattle Yacht Club, he won the Gabrielle III Navigator’s Trophy awarded to the Navigator of First Boat to Finish on Elapsed Time Overall plus the Captain George Vancouver, RN Trophy awarded to the Navigator of the First Boat to Finish – Division 1 on Corrected Time.
In 2018 aboard Firefly of Seattle Yacht Club, he won the Gabrielle III Navigator’s Trophy awarded to the Navigator of First Boat to Finish on Elapsed Time Overall.
Brad then joined the crew to race in the 2021 Rolex Fastnet Race on a chartered Beneteau 40.7, Jazz, where a keel bolt issue caused them to retire to Lands End – all crew were safe. This Fastnet had storm conditions soon after the start that caused about 1/3 of the IRC fleet to retire with various gear issues. This was to be his ultimate racing adventure.
Over the years, Brad presented at Vic-Maui preparation seminars around offshore weather and navigation. These seminars attracted many skilled sailors who learned the nuances of reading the sky and water, interpreting weather charts, as well as using technology to plan their best sailing route. Brad loved this race adventure, was a huge supporter, and his enthusiasm has been contagious as he encouraged sailors to dream the ultimate dream.
In his early years working in the sailing industry, he met his wife-to-be PJ and together with their boys Bryce and Austin, they shared many sailing adventures. To them, we send grateful acknowledgement that they were the key to Brad’s love of life and sailing and know he is cherished by many.
We share with you this final backward glance to Brad’s ‘Reflections on Vic-Maui 2016 - What a Ride’ – the year the race record was broken and still stands.
Brad – adventures await the many sailors and dreamers you have encouraged and supported through the decades. Thank you and sail on.’s Kurt Hoehne also shared his memories of his friend.